Metaverse, NFT and DAO are new concepts of digital economy that have great impact in our lives especially in area of financial investment. The concepts represent a specific new technology and at the same time intervenes with each other that bring us to a new world that is very different from the past. The series will systematically introduce to you this new world and the financial opportunities inside it. Though this series financial professionals who wishes to get ahead in entering this new era of financial investment will be equipped with the key knowledge and insights which would benefit their work and profession.
元宇宙、NFT與DAO金融投資的未來 單元二:Web 3.0和元宇宙的金融機會
Metaverse, NFT and the Future of DAO Financial Investment Module 2: Web 3.0 and the Financial Opportunities of Metaverse
This module covers Web 3.0 and the Metaverse. When the traditional hardware, businesses, and network technologies work together bringing the Internet that impacts the financial industry for years, the new Metaverse, NFT and DeFi interoperability are expected to bring us another level of Internetwork that impacts the future of financial and insurance industries.
• What is Metaverse?
• What is Metaverse VR, AR, MR, XR?
• The momentum and opportunity of Metaverse
• Web 3.0 and the Metaverse NFT assets
• What is Metaverse O2O
• What is Metaverse DeFi?
• What is Metaverse GameFi?
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