Payment Methods
You can pay by Cash or Credit Card.
If you pay the programme fees by cheque, please return the form to us by mail / in person with a crossed cheque (one cheque for one programme) payable to ‘Vocational Training Council’. If you pay the programme fees by credit card, please return the form to us by fax / by mail / in person.
For a programme commencing within 7 working days ## at the time of enrollment, students are required to settle the programme fees by cash or credit card at PEAK's Reception Counter.
Special Discount
Graduates of VTC can now enjoy 10% discount for taking selected programmes listed in the prospectus. For details, please contact us at 2836 1922.
- Graduates are required to provide the relevant VTC Graduation Certificate or its copy for checking during enrollment.
- Please visit PEAK Website to obtain the latest information on the discounted programmes for graduates.
## Working days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays)